How employees can access innate wellbeing (and why work related stress doesn’t exist)

Management Mental Health Training

How employees can access innate wellbeing In light of the recent global health crisis, the significance of employee wellbeing has finally been recognised at the highest levels of corporate governance, becoming a key topic of discussion in boardrooms worldwide. Forward-thinking companies now understand that investing in their employees’ mental and physical health is not just […]

How to create a wellbeing economy so that you are fit for the future

Man and dog

CEO of Remarkable, Bonnie Clark, chatted to us about what it means to create a wellbeing economy so that we can be fit for the future We were delighted to be joined by CEO of Remarkable, Bonnie Clark, as she chatted to us about what it means to create a wellbeing economy so that we […]

How can we be more mindful of menopause?

menopause newsletter

We talk to Menopause expert, Tania Elfersy on transforming menopause in women and the workplace. Menopause is a really hot topic (no pun intended!) right now. In the UK particularly, there has been a lot of discussion – and fear – created by the recent Channel 4 documentary ‘Sex, Mind and the Menopause’ with Davina […]