Are You An Over-thinker?

Season #1 Episode #47

Do you often find yourself overthinking?

Worrying about situations in your life? 

Over analysing in a bid to work something out?

If you resonate with this, know that you are not alone!

With around 70,000 thoughts a day, we've all got good at thinking!

But did you know that your thinking creates your reality? Your own internal view of what's taking place in your life.

Whether this is your health, anxiety, finances, a situation at work or a relationship. You can only see the situation based on your current level of thinking. And given 70% of your thinking is repetitive and habitual, that creates a very limited reality!

You might think you need to drop all negative thinking. Or that you need to think more positively.

But what if there was a better way?

Check out this episode where Sara Maude, Founder of The Mind Solution, shares with you how to calm the mind and take thinking off the agenda!


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