Is Your Employee Wellbeing E-Learning Up to Par? A Must-Watch for HR Leaders

employee wellbeing e-learning employee wellbeing in the workplace employee wellbeing program mental health training May 15, 2024

"An organisation is the sum of its parts'.  Those were the words I used in a recent keynote talk to a group of aspiring Unicorn Founders about the link between mental health and high performance.

When I worked in HR over a decade ago, the focus was definitely on high performance, but not on mental health.  Yet today if I ask what's keeping HR managers awake at night it's mental health! Or more specifically choosing the right employee wellbeing programs to support their people.

The topic of mental health and employee wellbeing is seriously huge.  So it's not a surprise that many of my fellow HR professionals feel out of their comfort zone knowing which employee wellbeing programs or training to invest in.

And when you have invested in an employee wellbeing platform, how do you know you've made the right choice?


One area I see organisations investing in is e-learning platforms.

E-learning was around back in my HR days and focused on topics like Health and Safety.  Fast forward and the e-learning space has exploded and it strikes me there's an e-learning course to cover pretty much any topic.

As a result, I've witnessed more and more organisations using e-learning to cover the topic of mental health training. 

The benefits of E-Learning Training

There are benefits to be had from taking the e-learning approach with training;

  • E-learning modules can be monitored for completion
  • E-learning can be issued to new starters
  • E-learning is cost-effective versus face-to-face training
  • Everyone gets the same training ensuring a level of consistency


Is Your Employee Wellbeing E-Learning Up to Par?

As part of the employee wellbeing strategy we were developing for an organisation, I conducted a review of the organisation’s employee e-learning platform, focusing primarily on mental health and wellbeing modules.

What I came across seriously shocked me!

This e-learning platform may have been OK if it was delivering mental health training to children under 10, but working professionals - not!

The HR Director of the organisation hadn't appreciated the shortcomings in the training until I gave her access to our employee wellbeing platform.

Your Employee Wellbeing Strategy Review

Working in HR I was like many of the HR leaders today - mental health and wellbeing weren't my speciality - until I started training in solution-focused psychotherapy.

This is why I know how important it is to have wellbeing specialists onboard to support you. That's why we offer an employee wellbeing strategy review session.

You may already have an employee wellbeing strategy in place but want an employee wellbeing expert to review it and give you feedback on how to maximise your strategy.

When you book one of our employee wellbeing strategy review sessions you'll receive;

  • Detailed feedback on your current employee wellbeing strategy
  • Advice and quick wins to immediately improve your employee wellbeing strategy 
  • Highlight what's working well based on your current HR metrics
  • A 90-minute strategy call where we'll discuss your goals 
  • Clarity on how to measure the effectiveness of your wellbeing strategy



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