How Core Beliefs Influence Employee Wellbeing
Mar 01, 2023
When you explore Google for insights on employee wellbeing in the workplace, you’re bound to find numerous articles emphasising the significance of self-care. These pieces highlight how crucial it is for employees to prioritise their wellbeing to enhance resilience and ward off burnout.
These articles are packed full of great advice, underscoring the benefits of regular breaks, encouraging lunchtime walks, and the importance of physical movement, stretching, and staying hydrated.
Discussions on the necessity of adequate sleep and strategies for achieving restful nights, including sleep hygiene tips, are common. Some articles might even touch upon nutritional advice, advocating for a balanced diet for optimal physical health, and exploring unconventional methods like cold water swimming or stimulating the vagus nerve for wellbeing.
While this plethora of advice and the emphasis on implementing these strategies consistently is beneficial, it’s crucial to recognise that these self-care measures only scratch the surface.
The underlying factor that profoundly affects employee wellbeing, shaping how employees present themselves in every moment, transcends self-care practices and delves into the core beliefs they hold about themselves – their identity.
Employee Wellbeing and The Core Belief Structure
Our identity and the core beliefs shaping it are established by the age of five. The experiences, traumas, and challenges we faced in childhood lead to the creation of limiting beliefs about ourselves. These beliefs, though formed innocently, construct a narrative that influences every thought, decision, and action in our lives.
The result is akin to a smartphone app; it can only operate according to its programming.
Unfortunately, many individuals live their lives controlled by these subconscious programmes without ever recognising or challenging them. This lack of awareness can lead to lives filled with frustration, pain, struggle, the need for control, anxiety, depression, and much more.
Despite the focus on mental health in the workplace, the deeper, underlying cause—our belief system—often goes unaddressed.
Consider burnout, commonly attributed to factors like workplace culture, unrealistic expectations, and overwork. While these are contributing factors, they aren’t always the root cause.
Take Stacey, a 32-year-old digital marketing account manager, as an example. Her ambition and long hours are driven by a deep-seated belief that she isn’t enough. Despite her hard work, she struggles with self-criticism and a need to control, ultimately leading to burnout.
After a forced break and some attempts at self-care, Stacey returns to work, but old habits soon resurface. This cycle continues because the true issue isn’t addressed: Stacey’s underlying belief that she isn’t good enough.
As the founder of The Mind Solution, I’ve seen this pattern repeatedly, not only in the people I’ve helped but also in my own experience. Striving to prove oneself, fearing vulnerability, and being overly self-critical are exhausting battles rooted in our core beliefs.
Workplace wellbeing training is crucial, not just for imparting self-care strategies but for guiding employees to a deeper understanding of the human psyche.
This is one of the reasons why our training delves into the psyche, enlightening employees about the subconscious mind’s role in governing our actions nearly all the time. By illuminating this internal operating system, our workplace wellbeing training empowers employees to initiate meaningful changes, fostering healthier decisions for their well-being.
However, without this foundational knowledge, employees may leave training sessions with useful tips but find themselves hindered by underlying beliefs and mindset barriers, preventing consistent application.
In an era marked by escalating stress and burnout levels, it’s imperative that workplace wellbeing training ventures beyond surface solutions to address the root causes. By equipping employees with the tools to reshape their mindsets, we unlock the true potential for lasting well-being transformation. Remember, knowledge is the first step towards empowerment!
Discover more about how our workplace wellbeing training and employee wellbeing webinars can make a difference. Reach out to learn how we can support your journey toward a healthier, more aware workplace.
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