Emotional Intelligence Training: Why It’s Not Enough

conscious leadership employee engagement leadership stress management training Sep 24, 2024

Emotional Intelligence Training: Why It’s Not Enough for Long-Term Leadership Transformation

The concept of emotional intelligence isn’t new in the corporate world. Even over a decade ago, when I was working in human resources, there was a clear understanding that leaders needed to demonstrate a certain level of emotional intelligence. However, as someone who has spent years working with the human psyche and has had front-row seats to the inner workings of countless minds, I believe there’s more to emotional intelligence training than most people realise. So let’s dive into why emotional intelligence training, on its own, isn’t enough for creating long-term transformation in leadership.

What Is an Emotion, Really?

To understand why emotional intelligence training often falls short, we first need to grasp what an emotion truly is. At its core, an emotion is a record of past experiences. It arises from chemical reactions in the body that are triggered by our thoughts. These emotions are closely tied to memories, so when you experience an event – whether it’s a quick two-minute conversation or something more significant, like hearing about a potential restructure at work – your brain captures that memory, and your body stores the emotional signature of the event - so your brain becomes a record of the past.

Here’s where the disconnect happens: most people believe that their emotional experiences are coming from external sources. They think their stress, frustration, or happiness stems from their job, their manager, or their workload. But the truth is, your emotional experience is internally generated. It’s a perceptual reality carried inside your neurophysiology.

The Role of Thoughts in Emotional Intelligence

You can’t experience an emotion without first having a thought. Whether you’re aware of the thought or not, it’s there. Emotions are the byproduct of your thinking. What you feel emotionally does not come directly from your external environment. It comes from your internal processing of that environment. Until leaders understand this foundational truth, emotional intelligence training will only take them so far.

To create real impact and transformation, leaders need to deeply understand what is truly creating their experience. That’s where true emotional transformation begins.

The Conditioning of Emotions and Self-Awareness

When we repeatedly think the same thoughts, we trigger the same emotions. This conditioning leads the body to become familiar with – and sometimes addicted to – specific emotional states like frustration, anger, or stress. These feelings are the body’s way of signaling where our attention is focused.

This is where self-awareness comes into play. And let me be clear: self-awareness is not a one-time achievement. It’s a continuous journey. There’s a distinct difference between self-awareness and consciousness, but the two dance together.

It’s not enough to attend a two-day emotional intelligence training session and expect to achieve lasting self-awareness. Instead, leaders need consistent reflection on how they’re showing up in their work and life. Where is their attention focused? What do they make situations mean? What are their belief structures?

Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Addiction

What many people don’t realise is that we can become addicted to emotions, even negative ones like stress or fear. I know this sounds paradoxical, but these emotional addictions can trap us in the past, making it difficult to create new experiences. This emotional conditioning makes it hard for leaders to embody true emotional intelligence in leadership.

We aren’t reacting to what’s happening in the moment; we’re responding to familiar emotional patterns rooted in past experiences. If leaders haven’t taken the time to clear out emotional clutter and unresolved trauma, they’ll only reach a limited level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence: A Spectrum, Not a Binary

Here’s the thing: emotional intelligence isn’t a "yes" or "no" concept. It’s not as simple as "do you have it or not?" Emotional intelligence, like consciousness, exists on a spectrum. There are times when leaders feel grounded, calm, and present – when they can listen openly and respond thoughtfully. But there are also times when stress, overwhelm, or personal issues cause them to react defensively, tune out, or snap at others.

That’s why emotional intelligence training needs to go deeper than just teaching leaders a few tricks to calm their nervous systems. While those tools are helpful, they’re not enough. To foster true emotional intelligence, leaders need to understand the deeper psychology and neuroscience behind their emotions.

Returning to Our Natural State of Emotional Intelligence

Emotions like peace of mind, contentment, joy, and happiness are actually our natural state. The key to emotional intelligence in leadership is recognizing what pulls us away from this state. And the answer is simple: it’s always our thoughts.

On any given day, we have roughly 60,000 thoughts – and 90% of those are habitual. Developing self-awareness means identifying and breaking those habitual thought patterns. Most people spend their days trapped in their heads, unaware of the thoughts driving their emotions.

A Journey Into Deeper Emotional Intelligence

In my view, emotional intelligence training should take leaders on a deep, introspective journey. It’s not just about learning a few techniques to soothe your autonomic nervous system. That’s not enough. To truly embody emotional intelligence, leaders must be willing to look inward. This isn’t always a comfortable process. It’s not easy to examine why we show up the way we do.

Leaders who have never engaged in this level of self-reflection, who operate mostly from the ego, won’t achieve lasting transformation from a short training session. They may learn a few strategies, but it won’t create the deep, meaningful change that drives impact.

Investing in True Leadership Transformation

As an HR leader, I understand the importance of training budgets. I also understand the need for impactful leadership development. If you’re looking for emotional intelligence training that delivers real transformation, one that goes beyond surface-level tips and techniques, then get in touch with us today. Let’s create the kind of impact your leaders – and your organisation – truly need.

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