Powerful Problem-Solving Skills For Managing Mental Health

The Secret to Managing Mental Health

“I don’t need to fix their problem?”

“No, you don’t need to fix the problem!”

Cue sigh of relief!

In our experience, managing mental health in the workplace often leads managers to believe they must single-handedly solve their team members’ mental health challenges. This misconception places immense pressure on managers, sometimes resulting in avoidance of crucial conversations or even exacerbating their own stress levels.

With the evolving expectations of 21st-century management, the idea that managers must assume the role of a therapist and provide definitive solutions has become ingrained. However, as we emphasise in our mental health training for managers, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

When managers realise they don’t need to be mental health experts or problem solvers, a wave of relief washes over them. Instead, their role lies in offering support, guiding team members toward positive steps, and connecting them with appropriate resources.

Instead, by mastering the art of asking simple yet impactful questions, managers unlock a win-win scenario. These questions serve as invaluable tools in conversations about mental health, performance, client relations, and beyond.

Here’s a glimpse into some of the powerful areas covered in our mental health training for managers:

👉 How to gain clarity on the desired outcome of a conversation

👉 Identifying the root cause of a perceived problem

👉 Understanding the origin of emotions

👉 Clarifying the wants and needs of team members

In essence, managers don’t need to fix every problem—they need to facilitate meaningful conversations and provide support where necessary.

Ready to empower your management team with the skills to navigate these discussions effectively? Join us to discover more insights and strategies in our mental health training for managers.  Book a call now

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