Give Your Employees Back Their Mental Health And The Energy Confidence And Motivation to Thrive. 



Did you know investing in employee wellbeing platforms can yield an impressive ROI of 300%, boosting productivity, reducing healthcare costs, and slashing absenteeism.


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You Can Create A Workforce That Thrives

Everything in life comes down to how we think and feel. That's why we specialise in transforming employees' mindsets to boost mental health, wellbeing, and productivity.

Join the ranks of forward-thinking companies and transform the health and wellbeing of your workplace with our comprehensive Wellbeing Portal.


24/7 Support

Provide your team with round-the-clock access to mental health and wellbeing resources with our innovative Wellbeing App.

Empower Your People

Equip your employees with advanced knowledge, techniques, and resources they need to take charge of their wellbeing and thrive.

Prevention Over Cure 

Foster a proactive wellbeing culture that prioritises prevention, reducing the need for costly interventions.

Maximise Your Budget 

Invest smartly in your employees' wellbeing without overspending on training programs.

Advanced life strategies and techniques to give your employees their mental edge back, and unlock new levels of energy, wellbeing and high performance.



Having held over 10,000 sessions to support people with everything from mental health conditions to challenges with sleep, to people wanting to raise their game and achieve a high-performance state, we know what people need to truly thrive from the inside out.

We took over a decade of our experience and transformed it into our employee wellbeing platform.

Accessible via our Wellbeing App, your employees have wellbeing at their fingers tips. 

employee wellbeing platform

I’ve been working with Sara for about 9 months to get our employee wellness program up and running, which includes making all of the content from The Mind Solution’s portal available to everyone at the agency. She was wonderful from the start, always open to having conversations with other members of exec leadership to ensure we had buy-in, and collaborating to figure out the portal’s rollout and ongoing engagement plan. We’ve had wonderful feedback from the team so far, and I’m excited for the continued impact this will have for everyone…not just in a work context, but in their personal lives, as well.

- Amy Small, VP, Media Cause


The Wellbeing Portal

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You Are Ready To Empower Your Employees To Take Control of Their Wellbeing?

Our wellbeing portal is a simple and holistic approach to meet your employee wellbeing needs.

  • Gain access to the employee wellbeing portal via our wellbeing app 
  • Receive weekly inspirational advice and guidance to keep wellbeing front of mind
  • Gamification to motivate employees and create a more effective learning environment.

With a simple shift in your employee's mindset, you can revolutionise workplace wellbeing!

What's Included In The Wellbeing Platform

employee wellbeing platform

The Mental Health Zone

Knowledge is power!. Discover how the mind works with expert videos on;

  • The Neuroscience of Stress
  • The Nature of Thought
  • Understanding Anxiety and Trauma
  • Making Peace with Depression
  • Breaking Habits and Addictions

Empower yourself to take charge of your mental health for a brighter future.

employee wellbeing platform

Mindset Mastery

With the right mindset, anything is possible! In these videos you’ll learn:

  • Advanced mindset strategies and techniques from the world of Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Energy Psychology, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Solution Focused Psychotherapy and Emotional Intelligence
  • How to rewire the way you think for a healthy positive mindset
  • The psychology of how the conscious and unconscious mind operates

You can use these techniques and knowledge daily for your personal development, growth and transformation.

employee wellbeing platform

Energy Psychology

The secret to high performance, mental health and wellbeing is regulating your emotions.

EFT Tapping AKA Emotional Freedom Technique is one of the world's most powerful techniques from the world of energy psychology.

  • Training videos on how to use EFT Tapping For Life Changing Results
  • Over 15 EFT Tapping videos for you to tap along to
  • Enhance your confidence, self esteem, energy and mental health

Transform the way you think and feel in minutes with the power of EFT Tapping.

employee wellbeing platform

The Sleep Zone

For many, the goal is to get a great sleep and wake up refreshed and energised.

In the sleep zone, you gain access to;

  • Hypnosis and guided meditations to help you switch off, relax and sleep well
  • Hypnotic suggestions set to Binaural beats to positively reprogram your mind to achieve consistent quality sleep 

Improve the quality of your sleep for enhanced health, wellbeing and performance.

employee wellbeing platform

Emotional Resilience

Powerful stress management techniques enable you to create calm and peace of mind from within.

Gain access to;

  • Hypnosis and guided meditations to help  quieten the mind
  • Breathwork Practices to create calm, regulate your nervous system and regain control of your emotions
  • Hypnotic suggestions set to Binaural beats to reprogram the mind to achieve inner calm and peace of mind
  • Create energised and charged mornings with daily practices

Enhance all areas of your health and performance with these powerful techniques.

employee wellbeing platform

Financial Wellbeing

You can make your money work for you and make money while you sleep and it's easier than you think thanks to Andrew Craig.

Gain insight and understanding on;

  • The importance of financial literacy and how it impacts your financial future.
  • The magic of compound interest
  • How to invest wisely to create long-term wealth and financial security.
  • The difference between investing and trading and why understanding this is crucial.
  • Practical steps to start making your money work for you, even if you're starting later in life.
  • The psychological aspects of money and how to develop a healthier relationship with your finances.

This video offers valuable insights and actionable advice to help you achieve your financial goals.

employee wellbeing platform

This Employee Wellbeing Platform Is For You If You Want To...

  • Supercharge Productivity: Empower your team with mental health mastery, boosting focus and performance like never before.
  • Unlock Peak Potential: Transform mindsets with cutting-edge techniques in NLP, energy psychology, positive psychology and neuroscience for unparalleled growth.
  • Banish Stress: Equip employees with powerful breathwork and EFT tapping practices to melt away stress and slash absenteeism.
  • Elevate Engagement: Improve sleep and build emotional resilience, creating a happier, more engaged workforce.
  • Join the Leaders: Trusted by top companies, our platform delivers proven results, driving high performance and unbeatable ROI.
YES, Book My Demo!

I very much enjoyed the video with Dr. Amy Johnson today. Most striking to me was the concept of effortlessness and reconnection to inner peace, not using the mind to solve the mind, rather just seeing that the mind is a story making machine. 


- Pauline Ploquin, President, Struck 

Employee Wellbeing Platform

Option One

£49.99 per licence/per year

👉🏽 Employee Wellbeing Platform Launch Live Onboarding Webinar

👉🏽 Minimum 10 licences

👉🏽 Monthly Live Group Treating Trauma - The Easy Way Session

👉🏽 Access The Employee Wellbeing Platform on our App

👉🏽 Recieve weekly inspirational email

* VAT applied where necessary

Schedule A Call Now

Option Two

£99.99 per licence/per year

👉🏽 Employee Wellbeing Platform Launch Live Onboarding Webinar

👉🏽 Includes 2 X Live 60 Minute Employee Wellbeing Webinars (Worth £3,000)

👉🏽 12 months access to the recording of the employee wellbeing webinars

👉🏽 Monthly Live Group Treating Trauma - The Easy Way Session

👉🏽 Minimum of 30 licences

👉🏽 Access The Employee Wellbeing Platform on our App

👉🏽 Recieve weekly inspirational email

*VAT applied where necessary

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