Exploring the Depths: Understanding the Difference between Self-Awareness and Consciousness

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In the pursuit of personal growth and understanding, the concepts of self-awareness and consciousness often emerge as integral aspects of our journey in leadership. These intertwined aspects of our being hold the key to unlocking profound insights and transformative experiences. While self-awareness is frequently spoken about as a ‘must have’ in leadership. What is discussed […]

Prioritising Mental Health Training for Managers | Unveiling the Benefits

Mental health training for managers

As HR leaders, you understand the crucial role that employee well-being plays in organisational success. In today’s fast-paced work environment, prioritising mental health is no longer an option but a necessity. By investing in mental health training for managers, we can empower managers with the tools and knowledge needed to create a supportive work culture. […]

How to talk with your team about mental health

Management mental health training

How to talk with your teams about mental health How comfortable are you when chatting to a team member about their mental health? Or something which is going on in their life which is impacting their well-being? Do you feel relaxed and confident? Or do you find yourself in your head wondering what to say […]

Why Resilience Training isn’t Enough

Burnout at work

“What percentage of your mind is unconscious?” This is a question I often ask people in our training programmes. The answers vary. But there are usually a few people who get the question right – 95% to 98%. What this means, in reality, is that around 95% of the time you are unconscious! Every thought […]

How to Create Maximum Impact with Your Mental Health Training for Managers

management mental health training

Are you tasked with organising mental health training for managers within your organisation, but not sure where to start? You might begin by researching mental health training for managers, leading you to this blog post! Perhaps you’ve reached out to training providers, inquiring about details and costs for mental health training tailored to managers’ needs. […]

What beliefs are you projecting onto your team?

Management mental health training

“I thrive on stress.” Those words echoed from a sales manager attending our mental health training for managers programme his organisation had brought us in to deliver. It was a stark revelation, signalling a potential danger zone. Delving deeper, it became apparent that he misunderstood the stress response, something which I’ve witnessed many times with […]

Mental Health Training for Managers | What if I Make Things Worse?

Management mental health training

In our mental health training for managers, we’ve encountered countless managers grappling with the fear of discussing their team members’ mental health. Interestingly, when asked how they think they might exacerbate the situation, many struggle to articulate concrete reasons—a testament to the irrationality of fear. The truth is, that discussing mental health with a team […]

A Simple Way to Stop Having Difficult Conversations

Management mental health training

If you were to search the internet for management development training courses, guaranteed you would find plenty out there labelled; ‘How to have difficult conversations‘ or ‘How to have challenging conversations‘ When it comes to having any kind of conversation, here’s the thing. The truth is, we have no idea what a conversation is going […]

Powerful Problem-Solving Skills For Managing Mental Health

Life Coaching

The Secret to Managing Mental Health “I don’t need to fix their problem?” “No, you don’t need to fix the problem!” Cue sigh of relief! In our experience, managing mental health in the workplace often leads managers to believe they must single-handedly solve their team members’ mental health challenges. This misconception places immense pressure on […]